Jul 102023

Whenever I try to think back to the days and what I have done or what I do, I find that it is somewhat hard to recollect. πŸ€” I am not sure if it is brain fog 🀯, lack of focus/clarity πŸ˜’, or busyness, or the opposite. In any case, these days have been good.

Each week, I usually share on social media a summary of the days (like this). Mostly, it is for my own records and nostalgia value as every year FB likes to send a reminder of what was happening the year(s) before. M likes this feature a lot more than I do, but it’s also a great way of reminding myself of how the days pass since I currently have some kind of short-term amnesia problem.

Our days are about to get busier and more transient with the summer months upon us. This weekend, we are off to France for a few weeks where we will stay at our rental, travel West to Biarritz so M can do some surfing πŸ„πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈ and me some beach bathing πŸ‘™πŸ–οΈ, then we will be back in early August for a few days. Then, we haven’t yet decided the next plans just yet.

At the last minute, M decided to get us some house/pet-sitters – a bit of a sore subject and story for another day πŸ€ͺ – so we found a nice couple, we hope, who were initially interested in coming over the winter holidays when we plan to be gone. As a kind of test run and spontaneous plan, they agreed to come this week. The nice part is that it frees us up from taking the pups 🐢🐢 with us, which wasn’t a problem at all before, but the flexibility makes things a little easier for us, to be honest. However, with that decision, I have had to make lists of things to do to prepare for unknown houseguests – adding to my daily tasks. πŸ˜…

Still, no complaints here. It’s all part of the fun and sun β˜€οΈ!

Speaking of sun, we jumped straight into the height of summer heat. We went out yesterday with friends’ and despite my having switched out the wine for water very early in the afternoon, I came home sick with symptoms of heat exhaustion. πŸ₯΅

So, today, is a day for cool and dark rooms focusing on getting things done. 😬

With that, I’ll try to stay on top of posting here when I can. 🀞🏽

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ

  2 Responses to “Good and Busy Days”

  1. Sounds like fun! I hope the people that take care of the dogs do a good job. It would be nice if they were the same ones , whenever you took a trip. Did you see anything you didn’t expect in England?

    • The people seem nice – we got to meet them before we left, so seems good. Yes, it would be great if they can be regulars! Fingers-crossed. No, England was much the same as expected, but I always enjoy it while I am there.

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