Sep 082023

Well, I promised an update from earlier in the week and so here it is. 😁

The time both flew by and also felt just right in providing me the space/break needed to get myself resettled into a routine/rhythm. As I had hoped, I got ahead of schedule on things and two of three manuscripts are now out of my hands for the time-being. One more to go before the next wave begins. πŸ˜…

I’ve got ten days left before the online yoga course starts, but I’m feeling mostly prepped for it to start and ahead in my mental planning, so that is really all that matters.

M is back as well, so that actually has given me a bit of relief from the pressures of caring for the animals as well. 😬

The other night, one or both of the pups decided to demolish a tube/container of ant powder. The bits of it were scattered across the lawn and I have no idea how much they/she might have consumed. However, in the evening a little before bedtime, one of them (you can guess which one) decided to leave vomit all around the house. This obviously caused me concern, frantically searching on Google what to do, and worry setting in. Most information online said it should be fine, but still…. It was in the restless wee hours of the morning as I wondered if I was going to have to go to the vet again, that I realized: I am NOT cut out to care for other living creatures. I thought I didn’t have children because I didn’t want to pass on my sh*t to them psychologically, but also I didn’t have children because it is so freaking stressful to be responsible for another life!!!!! 😩

In the end, the dogs were fine. By morning, there was no sign of distress and no middle of the night accidents occurred, so there was nothing to worry about – I’m sure.

However, I am in awe of parents and single-parents once again. 🀯 I mean, I was just caring for dogs, which are like toddlers for a looooooong time, but whew! 🀣

Anyway, it definitely made me appreciate having a partner and that he is now back to take care of the stressful aspects. He’s had kids, so he’s already trained to manage these things! πŸ˜‡

It’s Friday and I’m glad the week is over. It’s nice to have the man back, though it was also lovely to have the time to just get myself resorted. Lots of thoughts and other things have come up over the week, but will save that for another post.

Have a lovely weekend!!

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ

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