Oct 022023

It’s already October, y’all! I feel as if this year has flown by, but I have to say that I am really looking forward to this month. Why?

Well, because we have plans to stay put for most of the month! We just got back from our separate travels this afternoon after a long drive back together from France. M decided to fly in to Nice so we could come back together, which was nice and not nice-but that’s another story.

Anyway, I’ve now unpacked and settled back into my office as I begin to think about all that needs to be done this week and over the next few weeks. Aside from me having a girls’ trip at the end of the month (I know, but it is at the END of the month, so technically we are here most of the month! 😬), we are getting our new kitchen installed mid-month, and want to enjoy the lingering warmer temps as much as possible. Sure, we are going to be in warmer environs most of December, but hey we can still appreciate it whilst at home.

So, here’s to “normal” days and sleeping in my own bed with a return to “routine”! β˜€οΈ

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ

  3 Responses to “October 2023 Begins”

  1. My computer time has been inturrupted by technical problems. Good to hear your doing ok.

  2. Here hear!!!!!!!

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