Oct 132023

…that the Lord hath made. Let us rejoice and be glad in them. 🎢

When I was young, spring and fall were my least favorite seasons because it meant rain and allergies while summer and winter were the days of vacation. Now, I barely tolerate summer as the heat is no longer my friend, winter is OK for a month or so until it gets boring being cold and having days of grey. So, now, I accept I must simply pop some antihistamines once or twice a day and turn my attention to feeling gratitude toward the still warm days (but not dreadful heat) that mark the autumn season. Of course, wait until I write next week after a week of the rain that is coming… πŸ€ͺ

Overall, though, I have been making a point of rejoicing and being glad in my days.

Although I am not overly religious, and have long since moved away from the life of Church-going, fellowship gatherings, and the like, I still believe in a bigger entity that I have previously shared that I call both Father God and Lady Universe – I think acknowledging the masculine and feminine powers is important.

Lately, I have developed an irrational (probably hormonal) sense of anxiety about driving, socializing, and various other everyday activities. While I am pretty good at talking myself out of and through it, I have found that one way I feel calm and at peace is through listening to Christian music. I know, weird-ish, right?!

Music has always been something that has soothed me. I remember humming as a child whenever I felt a little stressed and it would lighten my mood. For whatever reason, I can remember many lyrics and often sing along to songs (which tortured my brother for years) as I love how the mix of words and music tell a story.

So, it has been with joy that I have rediscovered the role of it in my life – especially as a soother to my anxiousness.

With that, Happy Friday the 13th! May you be rejoicing and being glad these days! ❀️

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ

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