Nov 172023

We are back in Japan for a visit. It’s been just over three years since we left during the early pandemic/shutdown days.

When we left, we didn’t quite know what we were doing but the timing seemed right to try to move with the freedom of online work. Turns out we rode the wave well – thank you Universe. 🙏🏽

Since it was a somewhat unplanned decision and M was still working in his job, he didn’t get to say a proper “cya later” to people. Also, I have never gone longer than a year or two between visits, so it was time to come back.

This time, we stayed in Ginza for the first part. I took a girls’ trip to Kyoto with my BFF and are going to spend the rest of our time with her and family.

It’s been fun to refresh our tastebuds with Japanese cuisine and revisit old haunts for nostalgic purposes. Also, we have done some shopping given the euro-friendly exchange rate.

So, more on everything next week when we are back in Italy for a bit before we continue our winter travels. ❤️

In the meantime, here are a few pics.

~T 🔥🐉♋️

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