Sep 252024

For many years, I have been interested in Oktoberfest in Munich. I’ve been to other beer festivals in various locations, but there’s something special about going to the OG place to experience it. It was definitely a fun time, even though I don’t drink beer much.

We had two beer tents in our tour package: Lowenbrau and Marstall. We definitely had more fun at Lowenbrau on the first day, plus it was day drinking rather than the evening. The music and bands were good. Next time, we would like to be downstairs where the action is! However, it was really fun to watch everyone drinking, dancing and making merry!

Anyway, it’s a little bit busy around here with lots to catch up on, but for now, I’ll sign off here.

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ

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