Feb 202025

Generally, I have grown up with the idea that our health matters are something private. We don’t talk about them with other people outside our family and even within the family, we might not talk about it in too much detail unless asked specifically.

When my grandmothers were aging and deteriorating in their health, I wasn’t around much. I was in my early 20s living my life as is normal. However, when I learned the truth of their decline, I felt sad to be left out of the loop in not knowing the details of their conditions. These days, it is more acceptable to talk freely about our health without it being awkward or seeming as if we are divulging too much information about ourselves.

While I tend to be quite open on talking about all the taboo subjects because I don’t believe they should be considered as such, I haven’t actually written much about my personal physical health unless it had to do with my broken ankle, yoga, or my mental state. So, I’m thinking I’m going to add to the health hashtag with a few updates about recent health issues. It also helps to serve as a record for myself since I seem to be getting more forgetful these days. Thankfully, I’m organized enough that I have my files in order should anything serious need to be address.

First, I’ll start with I feel fine. I feel healthy physically. However, I do have some aches and pains, plus I am officially in menopause.

Even though I do yoga and stretch regularly, even though I walk a decent amount – thanks to the dogs, travel, and the treadmill in my office -, even though I drink a ton of water most days, even though I have a pretty good awareness of nutrition, diet, etc., I still am struggling with the realities of an aging body, and the effects of life’s wear and tear.

I’ll save the details on specific concerns for individual posts, but here’s a highlight:

  • spine/back – for years I’ve had lower back pains aggravating from either sitting too long or walking too much. So, I’ve had to balance the two.
  • neck – since my 40s, I’ve had neck cracking moments, which don’t feel normal but so far haven’t caused me much issue except for an occasional stiff neck.
  • fibroids – I first became aware of these when I was in Japan. Generally speaking, they are not an issue. I took some experimental drugs to reduce their size, but this increase my hot flashes which I now know were my early signs of perimenopause. Now, they are getting bigger thanks to menopause treatment.
  • menopause – It’s official. I’m no longer in danger of procreating unwittingly. My main symptoms were interrupted sleep, hot flashes, lack of sex drive, dryness, brain fog, and general fatigue. Almost all of these symptoms are now no longer thanks to treatment.
  • sciatica – This was induced by a Thai massage about six weeks ago. I’m not happy at all about this, but it seems to be improving thanks to some regular physio treatments.

So, I hope to cover these in more detail in individual future posts. Perhaps, sharing my own experiences with these issues will help someone who might come across this blog, or feel free to share if you think someone might benefit.

With that, stay tuned!

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ

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