Mar 212011

Beware!!! – negative rant to follow:

To release my frustrations I make this list in hopes of letting it all go. πŸ™‚

* I dislike selfish people who either knowingly or unwittingly force others to conform to their ways and wishes despite clear statements to the opposite preference.

* I don’t respect people who are hypocritical with their actions and words.

* I am not a dog or child to be barked orders to even if it is not intended as such. Why do we not consider how our words sound and can be perceived?

* I hate feeling as if I always have to compromise to keep the peace between people. When do others compromise for me?

* I am not motivated to contribute or work hard when there are no tangible rewards or recognition for my efforts or when I am constantly asked to justify every request or action just to try something new or do something to benefit others.

* I am tired of being nice and giving to others. Sometime, I’d like for someone else to do the same in equal measure for me.

That all being said, I’m most definitely not perfect! I’m sure I may be guilty of some of these negatives as well though I try not to or may even not be aware of the truth of them in my own life. I try to reflect and ensure that I’m not, but again I’m not perfect.

It’s just a period of time where I feel frustrated and annoyed with the world and life. It will pass as it always does. But, it feels good to get it out!!! πŸ˜€ Now, I can focus on the positives!

 Posted by at 11:04

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